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Combo Passing
Multiple short passing drill with 3 players, ending with a shot on goal.
Start from the baseline and have someone set up mid circle height and then another at the top (dotted line). Look to flow and pass, laying the ball off each time. End with a quality shot on goal.
Objective & Coaching Points
Objective of this exercise is to work on your flow and connection. (Basics of passing and receiving). Have your eyes up, pass the ball, receive then lay the ball back.
Extension & Progression
You can extend this by doing it from both sides. You can add more players in by having them set at the baseline. You can turn this into a race / competition as the top player receives the ball back (whoever gets it first) is allowed to shoot and the other has to stop.
Requirements & Equipment
Flat Discs
Bounce Boards
Training Area
Small Area
Eighth Turf
Quarter Turf
Half Turf
Full Turf