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3 v 2's - Game Play
Left side and Right side 3 v 2's
Defender passes the ball to the attacker then has to run past the line of cones to join the other defender for the 3 v 2. When the defenders win the ball they try to exit out of the 23m line.
Objective & Coaching Points
For the attackers to attack quickly so the defender coming from distance struggles to get back and you can make clear 2 v 1's. For the defenders to slow it down and ideally make it 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 to be able to win the ball.
Extension & Progression
You can add a goal in for the defenders to attack into. You can add another attacker and defender to make it 4 v 3 or an extra defender to make it 3 v 3.
Requirements & Equipment
Flat Discs
Bounce Boards
Training Area
Small Area
Eighth Turf
Quarter Turf
Half Turf
Full Turf